Why Men Are Seeking Cosmetic Dental Treatment

Beautiful teeth, beautiful smile!

It’s a common, if incorrect, belief that women are the target audience for cosmetic treatments. This idea has been supported by statistics covering those who have received them. Recently, however, there’s been a trend of men becoming a significant part of consumers of cosmetic care. According to new statistics, implants, veneers, and crowns are some of the most popular care for male patients. One thing that has driven the changing trend is a growing understanding that cosmetic dentistry affects more than just our appearance. These treatments can have a significant impact on multiple areas of our life.

What’s Driving This New Trend

Two aspects of your life are affected by cosmetic dentistry. The first and most prominent is the appearance of your smile. However, there may be a significant impact on your overall health, and specifically your oral health, as well. Quite a few concerns that lead to the need for cosmetic care are driven by oral health concerns, such as cavities, discoloration, and extractions. Correcting these concerns often directly or indirectly impacts our overall oral health and our appearance.

The most significant barrier between patients and receiving this care is dental coverage. A significant number of dental procedures aren’t covered properly by insurance. This leads to many who need this care being unable to receive it, creating significant impacts on their oral health. So how does this impact cosmetic dental treatments in men?

Cosmetic treatments have largely been associated with women, who are frequently the largest consumers of aesthetic care in all areas. However, this conception has led to men being less likely to consume dental treatments altogether. This idea leads to oral health concerns and a growing need for cosmetic dentistry as they age.

Why Men Want More Cosmetic Dental Treatments

One thing that makes cosmetic dentistry stand apart from more traditional treatments is its dual effect on aesthetics and oral health. There’s a growing understanding that our appearance can impact multiple areas of our lives, regardless of gender. It can play a part in wanting to get ahead, our self-esteem, and even our ability to get ahead at work. The health of your smile can have quite an effect on your social experiences. This has led to four significant reasons that men are seeking cosmetic dental care:

  • Dental Health: Everyone needs a healthy and beautiful smile, and men are no exception. More men are becoming concerned with their overall health and quality of life. 
  • Mental Health: Growing understanding of the importance of mental health has led to more men making proactive decisions to support their self-image. Dental treatment can improve their smile and help them feel more confident.
  • Social Life: First impressions are important in all areas of life, especially our social engagements. A beautiful and proud smile is a significant part of these encounters.
  • Financial Expenses: Getting dental care consistently, including cosmetic care, can help reduce the long-term costs of taking care of our teeth.

Reach out to your dentist to get more information about how your oral health and appearance impact your overall health. They’ll provide you with a list of aesthetic services they provide and how they can improve your oral health over time.

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Dr. Henry Lam DMD

Born and raised in Vancouver, Dr. Henry Lam received his Doctor Of Dental Medicine at the University of British Columbia and has full-time dental practice since 2005. After joining 8West Dental Care in August 2014, he’s brought valuable experience to his patients in the Calgary, AB area.

Dr. Henry Lam DMD

Born and raised in Vancouver, Dr. Henry Lam received his Doctor Of Dental Medicine at the University of British Columbia and has full-time dental practice since 2005. After joining 8West Dental Care in August 2014, he’s brought valuable experience to his patients in the Calgary, AB area.